
It is time for healing. We have struggled for so long and through so much. It is time to give yourself permission to heal. To create the space so your heart can recover and so your body can rest.

This message is for all the healthcare workers, first responders, and other front-line folks without whom our society would have collapsed even further. It is for everyone who lost someone during the past few years. You witnessed things in your heart that you cannot put words to. You experienced emotions that have left a deep mark. The fear, the uncertainty, the disrespect, as well as the love, the compassion, and deep satisfaction in knowing you impacted the lives of others.

I saw your bravery, I felt your pain and I kept you in my prayers. And now I pray for healing. I see you, I see the hurt in your eyes, I hear you. I am here with you. I am one of you. I wish so much to be able to ease the ache in your soul.

Healing for me has meant that I surrounded myself with people who cared for me. It has taken the form of cooking, of art, of gardening, and of spending time in nature. And while I still have much healing to do, for now I am using my pain towards something that is bigger than me.

Tell me who you are, where you are in the healing journey…and if you’d like, something or someone that has helped you get through the last few years?

--Julie B. Trivedi, MD

April 15, 2023


End-of-year chaos

