
I realize that being given permission to just be is a powerful thing. Giving my clients permission to be themselves as they are means that I also need to give myself permission to just be as I am. All too often, the internal dialogue is focusing on what I need to do, what I need to accomplish, whether I’m doing enough for __ (insert topic or person here), and then rehashing whether I could have done better or done more.

I can’t change the past. Spending my current moment thinking about the past is taking me away from being present…which impacts how I reflect on whatever I did in the past. That feeling of being distracted from enjoying my meal because I’m checking email at the same time. Being distracted from time with my children because I’m thinking about what else is on my to-do list.

Present-moment awareness and permission to be are the two things I am trying to be more mindful of.

— Julie B. Trivedi

April 21, 2023

